Tips for E-Shoppers

Crime Matters

Crime Prevention Bureau(CPB)

Be Aware of Internet Traps

When conducting Internet transactions or online auctions, be vigilant and note the following points to avoid falling into Internet traps:

  • When conducting Internet transactions you should ascertain the credibility of other parties and verify their identity;

  • When conducting e-business through overseas websites or trade overseas, be aware that other countries have different legislation, and protection regarding business transactions maybe affected;

  • If not conducting transactions through credible e-shopping websites, risks during the transactions could be higher. Verification of the identity of other parties and ascertaining their credibility is recommended before the commencement of trading.  Whenever possible, consider trading in person or through a reliable intermediary platform to avoid falling into traps;

  • Buyers and sellers can often check the transaction history, credibility rating and transaction comments on line.  This is recommended before proceeding with a transaction;

  • When selling through an auction website, do not accept that the buyer has transferred money if either a simple email or a copy of a cash remittance note is provided;

  • Check your bank account, or the account of the intermediary platform, to confirm that funds have been transferred in full before dispatching the goods.

  • Ignore emails sent from people you do not know.  Should find emails suspicious, make enquiries with the intermediary platform, bank or financial institution and verify the remittance.

  • Do not disclose any personal information without confirming the identity of other parties;

  • If there is any suspicion over the identity of parties involved, stop the transaction immediately.