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In a bid to enhance the professional ability and sensitivity of frontline detectives in tackling domestic violence, the Family Conflict and Sexual Violence Policy Unit (FCSV) offered "Professional Training for Designated Domestic Violence Units" this year.

In addition to explaining to frontline officers the relevant laws and police procedures of handling domestic violence cases, Force Clinical Psychologists and staff of the Social Welfare Department (SWD) talked about their experience in handling victims of domestic violence.

Representatives from some non-governmental organisations, including CEASE Crisis Centre of the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, the Centre for Harmony and Enhancement of Ethnic Minority Residents, the Pink Alliance and Gender Empowerment, spoke on domestic violence at the Advanced Criminal Investigation Module Course, giving the audience a better understanding of the culture and concerns of the ethnic and sexual minorities. This helped to enhance officers' sensitivity in dealing with domestic violence involving these groups. Officers are welcome to contact FCSV if they have any enquiries regarding the subject.

SWD officers share their experience with police officers about handling domestic violence cases
SWD officers share their experience with police officers about handling domestic violence cases