Force surveys on public and staff opinions

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Steady progress of improvements was noted in various areas in the Public Opinion Survey 2001 and the Staff Opinion Survey 2001 which reflected the community's confidence in and the staff commitment to the Force.

The senior management attach great importance to the findings of the surveys and will strive to further improving the existing high standard of service quality. The findings will be examined in detail and measures will be taken to address identified concerns. The major findings are shown in the charts.

Commenting on the findings of the surveys, Junior Police Officers' Association Chairman, Mr Lau Kam-wah, said: "As shown by the findings, we are glad that the Force has achieved steady progress in various areas. It is noted that staff are concerned about Internal Communication and Equipment & Working Environment. To enhance the effectiveness of Internal Communication and working efficiency, it is hoped that the senior management will enhance their efforts to address the identified issues."

More detailed findings will be conveyed to Force members through various channels in accordance with the Communication Plan and an easy-to-read summary of the findings of both Surveys will be uploaded on POINT for reference by all.

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