Livery design competition

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Traffic Branch Headquarters has launched a road safety bus livery design competition for primary and secondary students.

The winning design will be used on the new Road Safety Bus which will be equipped with the latest IT, and audio and video systems. It is expected to become operational in September.

Road Safety Unit's Senior Inspector Sharon Kam told OffBeat that the competition was aimed at heightening public awareness of the new bus and to tap the creativity and imagination of students.

"There are two categories of entries, one for primary students in the Junior Group and the other for secondary students from Form one to seven in the Senior Group," she said.

"Each Region will be responsible for collecting all entries within their Regions, scrutinising them and submitting the best 10 entries for each category for the final selection."

The competition will close on May 31.

For enquiries, please call Senior Inspector Sharon Kam (2186-1216) or Sergeant Leung Hok-chuen (2186-1219).

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