Share Peer Mentor Scheme experience

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The "Peer Mentor Scheme" was launched by Kowloon City District in March 2001 to provide peer counselling and support to the youngsters who have committed minor offences and received Superintendent's Discretion.

Eighteen peer counsellors, students aged above 18, were recruited from the Hong Kong Baptist University. The target ratio of students to youngsters was 1:1 so that a student could pay close attention to a youngster.

An experience sharing session of the Peer Mentor Scheme was recently held. A questionnaire survey conducted by the Baptist University showed that most of the youngsters welcomed the scheme while the mentors noted that it was quite difficult to make contacts with the youngsters at first and suggested that it should be better to hold some large-scale activities for them to know each other.

Speaking at the session, Kowloon City District Fight Crime Committee Chairman Kong Churk-hoi hoped that the mentors would keep their contacts with the youngsters and also their parents to better understand the youngsters and give them more care.

The Peer Mentor Scheme was jointly held by the Baptist University, Kowloon City DFCC and members of the Youth Carenet.

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