Brave policemen commended for
saving traffic accident victims

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Four police officers attached to the Castle Peak Division have recently been commended by Tuen Mun District Commander, Mr Au Hok-lam, for their swift action in reducing the number of fatality in a traffic accident early this month.

At about 10.45 pm on April 8, Police Constables Dick Lam Tak-kin and Kelvin Chan Kim-wan, were told that a vehicle had just overturned on Lung Fu Road and the engine was on fire. They knew that they needed to act swiftly and so they immediately contacted their Sub-unit Commander, Mr Andy Tong Moon-kun, to seek permission to travel to the scene. Mr Tong and his second-in-charge, Station Sergeant Cheung Hing-bor, also proceeded to the location by police vehicle.

The police officers were first to arrive and immediately realised that the situation was critical. All five victims were trapped inside the overturned vehicle and the fire was starting to spread to the passenger area. They initially used the police vehicle fire extinguisher which because of its narrow range, necessitated getting close to the vehicle.

Mr Lam told Offbeat, " I could feel the heat from the flames which gave cause for concern for my own safety. However I could also see the occupants inside and this dispelled my own reluctance and spurred me to keep working."

The other officers set about trying to retrieve more extinguishers from nearby vehicles but were unsuccessful. Later an ambulance arrived and their crew joined in the struggle to contain the fire. Then the fire services arrived and took over, soon putting out the fire. The officers then assisted them in righting the vehicle and extracting the occupants and then ensuring the road was cleared for the ambulance to go to the hospital.

The officers were saddened to hear that three of the traffic mishap victims died as a result of the crash but took heart that their actions saved the lives of the other two passengers who might otherwise have been consumed by the flames.

Mr Tong added: "I was very impressed with the actions of my officers who put their own lives at risk in this critical situation."

Four CPK officers have braved the flames to save traffic accident victims

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