New Police Headquarters foundation stone laying ceremony

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Commissioner Tsang Yam-pui officiated at the foundation stone laying ceremony of the Police Headquarters Redevelopment (Phase III) project on April 9 2002. He was joined by the Director of Architectural Services, Mr Pau Shiu-hung.

The Commissioner said that the ceremony signifies a major milestone in the redevelopment of the (Phase III) Project. "Following the ground breaking works commenced in late December 2000, the construction of the superstructure will begin after today's ceremony. It is expected that by early 2004 this 43-storey new Police Headquarters will be ready for occupation, " Mr Tsang noted.

The Project did not come effortless. The process of conceptualization to design and securing funds to commencement of works was strenuous. "However, we have successfully worked through the difficulties as we always do with perseverance and positive thinking. Realising the Project is evident by our persistence to strike for our goals without fear or reservation. The foundation and the subsequent works also signify that the Force is working on a solid basis of projecting and fulfilling our vision. We understand we are operating in a dynamic and constantly changing environment, and as one of the professional and efficient disciplined forces, we must be able to anticipate and respond to what is happening around us, and to prepare ourselves for the challenges ahead," Mr Tsang said.

The ceremony marked the beginning of a new phase of the redevelopment of the Police Headquarters. It also reflected the determination of the Force to enhance efficiency with high-tech applications. The new Police Headquarters complex will be a prestigious and dignified building installed with fibre optic cables and computer floorings, incorporating the latest information technologies as part of the Force's efforts to boost management and operational efficiency.

"The provision of professional and quality service to members of the public is our pledge, and we are to continue thriving for excellence in all areas," Mr Tsang stressed. To provide services which are more efficient and convenient, formations and units currently housed in leased accommodations will be moved back to the new complex; amongst them are Police Public Relations Branch, Crime Prevention Bureau and Licensing Office. In addition, the adjacent new Wan Chai District Headquarters and Divisional Station will be in operation almost at the same time. It is expected that the new police complex, when commissioned, will enhance operational efficiency and provide members of the public with a more convenient and comprehensive quality of service.

"Such an enormous project, means a colossal amount of work for many departments and personnel involved; especially the Planning and Development Branch. I would like to express my extreme gratitude for their wholehearted efforts and invaluable contributions. I believe every member of the Force is eagerly looking forward to the inauguration of this state-of-the art, functional but far from luxurious building. Undoubtedly all the staff and contracting companies involved will continue with their hard work to guide the Project through. Judging from the progress, I am confident that this project will remain on schedule," Mr Tsang said.

The Commissioner expressed his appreciation to all staff working in the Arsenal Yard Complex for their patience regarding the inconvenience caused by the ongoing construction works.

Commissioner Tsang Yam-pui and Director of Architectural Services, Mr Pau Shiu-hung, officiate at the PHQ foundation ceremony

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