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PPRB's replies to the media

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  • A letter was sent to a Chinese-language newspaper on March 23 noting that Police always paid attention to illegal hawkers in some public housing estates in Tseung Kwan O and that Kwun Tong Police was endeavour to combat triad activities in the district.

  • A police spokesman said in a press release issued on April 6 that Police had considered the safety of passengers, the need to minimise inconvenience to the public and operational needs before deciding to suspend MTR services at Tin Hau, Fortress Hill and North Point stations to search for a robbery suspect on April 5.

  • A letter was sent to another Chinese-language newspaper on April 6 refuting its allegation that Police falsely accused the April 5th Action Group of obstructing pedestrians in a protest held the day before.

  • In response to a Chinese-language newspaper report that Police took no action against illegal gambling near Yau Ma Tei Police Station, a letter was sent to the newspaper on April 8 noting that Police arrested 106 persons for street gambling in 56 enforcement operations in parks and rest gardens of Yau Ma Tei Division in the first quarter of this year.

    (Please check PEN for details)

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