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Smart ID card suggestions

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(Translated summary)

In view of plans to issue new smart identity cards by the Immigration Department, I would like to take this opportunity to propose that information on DNA and fingerprints be included in the memory chip in order to assist in:

. identifying culprits;

. identifying unclaimed dead bodies;

. locating parents of abandoned babies;

. locating next-of-kins for social services organisations, such as International Red Cross (probably at a charge);

. having a deterrent effect on criminals.

Detective Station Sergeant
Wong Chung-kee


Thank you for your valuable suggestion. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Smart Identity Card Project is currently undertaken by an Inter-Departmental Working Group, headed by a Deputy Director of Immigration, to consider all matters pertaining to the Project. The Police are represented in the Working Group. Your suggestions are among others currently being considered by the Working Group.

Superintendent Chau Cho-kei
Operations Wing

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