CPC Series:
Vital elements for prevention of complaint

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(This article is by CPC member, Detective Senior Police Constable Cheung Hon-fai of Regional Crime Unit 2 New Territories North)

To prevent complaints we should begin by enhancing our ability as Police officers.

Our daily work can be far from being simple. Frontline colleagues have to deal with different people and incidents, and different ways in handling them will lead to different results. Anything improperly handled will lead to complaints.

Accordingly, to improve ourselves we should enrich our knowledge by paying more attention to community trends, as well as things around us. Always try to strengthen our ability and efficiency as Police officers. Displaying professionalism is a sure way of minimising complaints.

The public sometimes mistakenly regard Police officers as an 'encyclopaedia' when meeting them at scene of incidents. Colleagues must therefore handle everything carefully and efficiently. Our actions before the eyes of the public will reflect our image.

If you are a capable and confident Police officer who deals with an incident in an honest, polite and fair way, will members of the public not appreciate your professionalism?

Your honesty, politeness, patience, understanding and fairness are qualities developed through continuous learning and personal enhancement Ñ all of which are vital elements for the prevention of complaints.

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