Contents Highlights

'My PICS' at your fingertips


With the launch of in the Personnel Information Communal System (PICS) (Second Edition) on April 16, all Force members can easily check their own personal details. For those who rarely use PICS, a new shortcut function is available to make life easier. Simply click the "My PICS" button on the PICS welcome page and you can immediate access to following new functions:

  • My self-preference (IP to CSP), My ARF and My TORF (IP to SP) - to review your assessment reports.

  • My Formation's HRM Planner - to view projected leave (approved or provisional), training course and transfers for all officers (can be done by rank group) in your unit/formation

  • My Leave Plan - to input your projected periods for the above categories during the next 12 months for the information of all supervisors.

  • My Post Phone Number - to update your phone number, secondary phone number (where you may be reached), fax number and optionally your personal (not PEN) e-mail address. This information will quickly update the Police Phone Directory (PPD) so that others in the Force can find you on POINT.

  • My PICS Record - to check whether all your personal details are correct and up-to-date.

The HRM and Leave Planner will be further developed. At the Force level, for example, it will help Personnel Wing better plan postings and transfers especially for middle to senior managers. How useful it will be depends on how much it is used. Staff from PICS Management Office will soon visit Regions to assist users to understand how best it can be utilised.

"My PICS" lays a foundation for future enhancements of self-input to personal records in PICS e.g. civilian driving licence details, skills and residential address, etc. More timely information will improve Force human resource management.

PICS is now installed in 3,330 CTA Terminal (Common Terminal) around the Force. You should be able to find one nearby, especially in the General Registry, Resource Centre or Report Room. If you do not have a CTA password or your CTA password has been cancelled and do not receive your new password by April 27, please approach your System Security Manager ADMIN (usually your CIP ADM or ADVC ADM).

Check the roll-out plan of the "My PICS" to see when you can start using it.

Roll-out date Major Formation
April 16 to 18 Existing PICS Users
For new PICS users:
April 23 Personnel Wing, Service Quality Wing,

Information Systems Wing, Training Wing,

Support Wing, Operations Wing and Crime Wing

April 25 Hong Kong Island Region

April 30 Kowloon East Region and Marine Region

May 3 Kowloon West Region
May 7 New Territories North Region
May 9 New Territories South Region

Editor: Peter Tiu: 2866-6171
Reporters: Winnie Ngan: 2866-6172
Frank Chuan: 2866-6173
Photography: Benny Ho: 2866-6174
Almon Suen: 2866-6174
Fax: 2866-4161
Address: OffBeat, PPRB, 4/F, Harcourt House,
39 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai.
Deadline for next edition: April 23

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