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PNC shows its mettle

Police Negotiation Cadre officers' response was hailed as fast and professional by Acting Officer-in-Charge Chris Chu Fun-wing.

PNC's Team Four, headed by Acting Team Leader Lui See-lung, quickly and successfully talked the hostage taker into giving up.

"The whole incident was peacefully resolved very fast, in less than an hour. The five-member team did a good job as out of a chaotic situation they managed to get everything in order and calm down the hostage taker in a very short time. It was quite excellent work," Mr Chu said. "You never know what can happen in these situations so it was good the team could resolve it quickly."

Mr Chu said despite a slight increase in workload of late, volunteer interest in joining the Cadre remained high. All Police Negotiators have been volunteers since the unit started in 1975.

"We have a lot of interest in the PNC with last year's recruitment exercise seeing about 100 applications for only 10 vacancies. Some want to learn negotiation skills while others find the pride in saving lives to be the main motivator," Mr Chu said. "In my 15 years in the PNC I have successfully helped over 100 people."

He said negotiators respond to about 50 cases a month, mostly domestic disputes and people threatening suicide.

"The workload has always been fairly consistent, perhaps a marginal increase of late. But we have 50 officers at the moment and run a recruitment exercise every two years." The next is expected in 2001.

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