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Undefeated Peter retreat
- Triad buster moves on

That's the way Ip is: Colourful character CIP Peter Ip heading one of his last triad classes

He's been stealing the stage for years now. The witty, fast-talking sleuth could be described as ostentatious with his highly-animated seminars on Hong Kong gangsters.

But Chief Inspector Peter Ip Pau-fuk of the Criminal Intelligence Bureau's Research Unit is no more funny than he is deadly serious, peppering hard-talking inside information on triad societies with wise-cracks and other quips to keep the atmosphere upbeat and listeners tuned in to his years of knowledge. But his lively presentations have ended, at least as a member of the Force.

After 35 years as an officer, CIP Ip is retiring after helping CIB train Force triad experts for 10 years. He's also trained many outsiders through the Triad Course for Overseas Law Enforcement Officers which heÕs conducted since its inception in 1993.

The detective started his training on triad activity in 1972 and has been tackling the problem since, busting top gangland figures and giving expert evidence in courts.

"I've always wanted to study triads and fight them - it is an important part of the police role. I have never been afraid. You must be tough, strict and patient to fight triads, but most of all, you must be honest. All of these are basic aspects of being a police officer," Mr Ip said. Awarded a masters degree in triad languages by Hong Kong University, he has lectured on triads for several years at the institute and is considering freelance lectures.

"I can say that the triad experts we have in the Force these days are all well-trained and educated, and very experienced. They are very interested and concerned about the status of triads in Hong Kong," he said.

"During my years of service it has been great to see the Force advance with modern technology to keep in touch with today's culture. I am proud to have been a police officer since 1966."

His time in the Force has also made him famous for his outdoor pursuits being the Police Adventure Club chairman for 24 years, and a Police Sports Council committee member for over 10 years.

Starting pre-retirement leave on April 1, he said he planned to take his wife on an around-the-world trip. Mr Ip's successor will be Detective Senior Inspector David Wan Man-chung, also of the Research Unit who has been helping him conduct the courses.

  • Peter Ip welcomes readers to keep in contact with him via email at

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