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The new Force Command Structure was launched on September 26 to supersede the “two-tier” and “three-tier” command concepts in use previously. It will be the single command mode to be applied by the Force and overarching framework for operational command, aiming to optimise the effectiveness of the Force in the command of all policing operations and to unify the command structures towards different incidents. Regardless of the nature and scale of the operation or incident, the new Command Structure should be uniformly adopted across the Force for the command of all types of operations, including daily policing operations and special operations for incidents like terrorist incidents, major incidents, public order events, public disorder situations, hostage taking, etc.

Under the new Command Structure, there are three command levels, namely from the top to bottom - Strategic Command, Tactical Command and Operational Command. The Strategic Command defines the overall operational objectives, the Tactical Command formulates the tactical plans and the Operational Command executes and implements the operational plans accordingly. The roles and responsibilities of commanders at different levels are well-defined and clearly delineated.

The Operations Wing (OPS Wing) has conducted roadshows to all frontline major Formations and the Police College to present the concept of the new Command Structure and consulted their opinions. The relevant Headquarters Order, in which the specific roles and responsibilities of the three levels of command and the applications in different scenarios are stipulated in detail, has been promulgated. Continuous training will be provided to frontline commanders at relevant command training courses. OPS Wing will closely monitor its implementation and continuously review other matters related to operational command to ensure that effective commanding abilities of the Force are maintained at any time.