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The Administration of Kowloon East (KE) held a sharing session under SAGEPEARLS 2.0 on August 2. A team from the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), with Assistant Director (Community Relations) Ms Yim Hau-wan leading Regional Officer Mr Fung Chi-wai and Chief Investigator Mr Lam Cheung-ching, shared experience and exchanged views with supervisory staff of KE to raise the supervisors’ awareness of integrity management and update their professional knowledge.

The speakers gave a briefing on the latest corruption trends in Hong Kong and the sections on “Commitment to the rule of law” and “Integrity” in the updated Civil Service Code. The case sharing allowed the supervisors to understand their roles and responsibilities in dealing with the misconduct of their subordinates. The communication channel between the Force and ICAC was also introduced to provide comprehensive anti-corruption messages for the supervisory officers.

The sharing session was held both online and offline. About 100 supervising officers at ranks of Station Sergeant or above from various departments of KE attended. All the participants agreed that the sharing session helped them identify areas prone to corruption and potential integrity challenges at work.

ICAC Regional Officer Mr Fung Chi-wai shares anti-corruption messages with supervisory staff of KE.
ICAC Regional Officer Mr Fung Chi-wai shares anti-corruption messages with supervisory staff of KE.