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The Inter-departmental Counter Terrorism Unit (ICTU) was invited by the INTERPOL to attend the Global Biosecurity Conference in Lyon, France from July 2 to 4. Chief Inspector Cheng Yat-pang elaborated on the collaborative efforts of various government departments in mitigating the security threat posed by threatening letters containing suspected hazardous substances. Participants expressed appreciation for ICTU’s proactive approach on inter-agency co-operation and recognised that inter-departmental collaboration could enhance capabilities in early detection, intelligence sharing and emergency response.

The conference, with over 120 participants from different countries or regions, was held by the INTERPOL Bioterrorism Prevention Unit for the first time. It provided a cross-field platform for expertise and experience sharing among participants from various sectors and international organisations.

Chief Inspector Cheng Yat-pang (centre) shares how government departments mitigate security threat in Hong Kong.
Chief Inspector Cheng Yat-pang (centre) shares how government departments mitigate security threat in Hong Kong.