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The Multi-media Creation Cadre (MCC) of New Territories South (NTS) invited Principal Technical Officer (Video Production) Mak Weng-keh and Senior Technical Officer (Video Production) Chan Tim-tim from Police College to have a sharing on their skills and experience in video production on May 31. Apart from MCC members, colleagues responsible for production of publicity materials (e.g. anti-deception) in their Districts also attended. Regional Commander (RC) of NTS Mak Chin-ho and Deputy RC of NTS Yeung Man-pun joined the event to show their support and encouraged colleagues to continue producing creative videos.

In addition to introducing the preparation required before, during and after video production, the speakers shared their video shooting and editing techniques, renovation technology for enhancing quality, resources for creation and their work experience etc. The participants benefited much from their sharing and learned that video shooting equipment could be borrowed from the Video Production Unit.

NTS holds a sharing session on video production.
NTS holds a sharing session on video production.