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The Police Squash Club (PSC) has sent representatives to compete in the Winter League 2022-2023 organised by the Squash Association of Hong Kong, China. During the six-month league period, PSC team maintained a very high standard of performance and completed the league with 15 wins out of 18 matches, securing a 11-point lead in its final position with the champion in Division 15 of the Main League. The team extended its victory to the final series and finished the season with double championship.

PSC is very satisfied with its performance in the league games this year. It would like to express gratitude to the senior members for their long-term participation and dedication in passing on their precious experience and skills to the junior members for the club to maintain its good performance.

PSC is currently recruiting new club members. Anyone who is interested in joining PSC and representing the club in various competitions, please feel free to contact the club representative Mr Tam Chiu-wai at 5968-1923.

PSC clinches double championship.
PSC clinches double championship.