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Station Sergeants Ngai Yee-ling and Lor Mau-ho, Sergeants Chui On-sheung, Wong Ho-yin and Lee King-tung went to Manly, Australia between March 6 and 10 to attend the training programme “Frontline: Leading for Performance” held by the Australian Institute of Police Management. This marked the first time since the outbreak of epidemic that the Hong Kong Police College arranged for junior police officers to attend this programme for further providing them with more overseas training opportunities.

22 officers from different emergency agencies in Australia and Hong Kong joined the programme, during which they were engaged in interactive discussions and made presentations on adaptive challenges to help them reflect on how they could cope with challenges by means of various leadership characters. The participants also exchanged management experience with officers from different law enforcement agencies to establish consolidated partnerships.

The participants exchange views with officers from different law enforcement agencies to establish consolidated partnerships.
The participants exchange views with officers from different law enforcement agencies to establish consolidated partnerships.