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Pakistani officers assist in vaccination for NEC

The Government’s outreach vaccination team (the outreach team) provided vaccination service for male and female Muslims separately at the Kowloon Masjid and Islamic Centre on March 19. Yau Tsim District (YTDIST) arranged Police Community Relations Office (PCRO) officers and Pakistani officers from “Project Gemstone” to assist healthcare workers in providing interpretation and explaining procedures to vaccine recipients in the Centre.

To cater for the needs of people with different religions, separate vaccination areas were designated for males and females in the Centre that day. A female Pakistani Police Constable of YTDIST, Bibi Ilham was specially deployed to assist the “all-female” outreach team at the female vaccination area, while male Pakistani Police Constables Hussain Sufian and Shamas provided assistance to other non-ethnic Chinese (NEC) individuals at the Centre.

Almost 300 people were vaccinated at the event. The on-site doctors highly commended the performance of the Pakistani officers of YTDIST deployed to scene. The organisers, the Incorporated Trustees of the Islamic Community Fund of Hong Kong, the Federation of Hong Kong Ethnic Communities and Chief Imam of the Kowloon Mosque Mufti Muhammad Arshad were also very grateful to the Force for assistance.

“Project Gemstone” was launched by YTDIST in February 2013, providing Chinese classes and activities for NEC Junior Police Call members to help them overcome language barrier and integrate into the local community. Seventeen “Project Gemstone” members have successfully joined the Force to serve the community.

Anti-epidemic bags packed and delivered to EM in need

Having learnt that a number of ethnic minority (EM) groups in Sau Mau Ping District (SMPDIST) were infected with COVID-19 during the fifth wave of the epidemic, officers of PCRO SMPDIST swiftly called for donations of anti-epidemic supplies from different sectors of the community. Plenty of donated supplies, including rapid antigen test kits, anti-epidemic proprietary Chinese medicines, masks, disinfectant sprays and alcohol-based hand rub, etc. were received and subsequently packed into 200 bags by officers of PCRO SMPDIST. Led by the District Commander of SMPDIST Tse Tsui-yan on March 18, officers of PCRO SMPDIST handed the 200 anti-epidemic bags to two EM activity centres in the district which would then distribute them to the needy EM families. This fully demonstrated the care and support of the Force towards the EM community.

District Commander of SMPDIST Tse Tsui-yan  (first right) distributes anti-epidemic supplies to ethnic minority groups in Sau Mau Ping.
District Commander of SMPDIST Tse Tsui-yan (first right) distributes anti-epidemic supplies to ethnic minority groups in Sau Mau Ping.
Pakistani officer provides assistance at the Centre.
Pakistani officer provides assistance at the Centre.