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On December 1, the Department of Journalism and Communication of Hong Kong Shue Yan University held a live webinar on the theme of “The Boundaries of Journalism?”, featuring various guests including journalism scholars, media practitioners and Chief Superintendent of the Police Public Relations Branch (CSP PPRB) Kwok Ka-chuen, to discuss matters of interest to the journalism industry.

Over 400 teachers and students took part in the event. During the webinar, the guests and online audience actively participated in the discussion, exchanging views on media-related issues such as “What is Journalism?” and “Should there be any boundaries of Journalism?”. CSP PPRB rigorously responded to a myriad of questions raised by journalism students and media representatives. He also shared the difficulties and challenges of the Force when facing the new media ecology.

Hong Kong Police Force always respects press freedom and the media’s right of reporting. This valued opportunity to engage with the media industry, journalism scholars and university students helped facilitate mutual understanding and communication.

Chief Superintendent of PPRB Kwok Ka-chuen responds to the questions raised by the participants.
Chief Superintendent of PPRB Kwok Ka-chuen responds to the questions raised by the participants.