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The Hong Kong Police College (HKPC) has collaborated with the University of Cambridge to run a Master of Studies in Applied Criminology and Police Management Programme for the Force since 2017. The programme focuses on the study of crime and related issues, with an emphasis on evidence-based policy and practice. Teaching for the second year of the third cohort was held in Wong Chuk Hang campus of the HKPC between July 27 and August 7. In the past two cohorts, a total of 49 participants have successfully completed this prestigious yet demanding programme.

Owing to the global pandemic situation, the teaching block in Hong Kong was conducted with lectures and tutorials through video conferencing at the Executive Training Suite in the School of Foundation Training where the participants learned through continuing professional development, group discussions and collaborative study with their lecturers and thesis supervisors from the University of Cambridge. The above arrangement enabled teaching and learning to continue uninterrupted throughout this trying period.

A data analysis consultant from the University of Cambridge shares his experience on data handling with the participants.
A data analysis consultant from the University of Cambridge shares his experience on data handling with the participants.