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The Crime Prevention Bureau (CPB) met with over 30 representatives of major chain stores and retailers at the Police Headquarters on April 11. The meeting aimed to remind the participants to be vigilant of shop thefts, and increase their ability to handle violent situations.

Superintendent of CPB Wong Kai-chung thanked the participants for their participation. Then officers analysed the crime trends and the modus operandi relating to the retail industry, and gave security recommendations. The participants commented that the meeting was very informative and raised their alertness to thefts, robberies and threats to personal safety.

On the other hand, the Security Advisory Section (SA) of CPB conducted a series of crime prevention seminars in March and April for over 800 managers and practitioners of convenience stores, jewellery shops and banks. SA officers explained the application of "surveillance and target hardening" measures and "access control" to deter, detect and reduce crime. The advice has been uploaded to the Police Public Page and police social media platforms for reference by retailers and members of the public.

CPB officers disseminate crime prevention messages to representatives of the retail sector
CPB officers disseminate crime prevention messages to representatives of the retail sector