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Criminal Intelligence Bureau (CIB) hosted the 13th Triad Course for Overseas Law Enforcement Officers from November 5 to 13 for 19 officers from Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, Nordic states, Singapore, UK and USA.

The course provided an in-depth understanding of triads from historical, academic, cultural and law enforcement perspectives, with focus on strategies and tactics to deal with triads and organised crime syndicates. It also served as a platform for sharing experiences and forging a multi-lateral relationship amongst overseas law enforcement agencies, which is a pre-requisite for combating international crimes.

After Assistant Commissioner (Crime) John Ribeiro declared the course closed on November 13, the participants spoke highly of the course for offering a comprehensive picture of triad societies and their illicit activities, and serving as a forum for fostering an international work relationship.

Group discussion is a feature of the training course
Group discussion is a feature of the training course