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Traffic New Territories South (T NTS), Road Safety Council, and the Hongkong Federation of Youth Groups Lung Hang Youth S.P.O.Ts (HKFYG/LHYSPOT) jointly staged the Shatin Road Safety Park Open Day cum Elderly Pedestrian Safety Promotion Campaign on April 25.
Officiating at a lion-eyes-dotting ceremony were Chairman of Road Safety Campaign Committee, Dr Cheng Kam-chung, Chairman of Shatin District Council Traffic and Transport (STDC T&T) Committee, Mr Yiu Ka-chu, Convener of Road Safety Working Group, STDC T&T Committee, Mr Cheng Cho-kwong, T NTS Acting Senior Superintendent Ho Ka-fai, Shatin Divisional Commander Stephen Baker, and Unit officer, HKFYG/LHYSPOT, Miss Leung Po-yee. 
Apart from opening the Shatin Road Safety Park, T NTS has organised various other activities to disseminate road safety messages, including singing performances, magic shows, booth games, exhibitions and talks. The event attracted over 600 participants, including Shatin Silver Hawks and Kwai Tsing Silver Harriers from Senior Police Call.