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The Regional Crime Prevention Office of Kowloon East (RCPO KE) and Sai Kung Division (SKDIV) have joined forces in preventing village house burglaries in Clear Water Bay and Sai Kung by organising a roadshow, seminars, and a visit to a security equipment display room.
In the roadshow, RCPO KE officers distributed crime prevention fliers in Sai Kung on April 25. They also joined the Sai Kung Rural Patrol Unit in offering crime prevention seminars in the villages in Sai Kung.
Sai Kung Divisional Commander Paul Gordon and officers from Police Community Relations Office Wong Tai Sin and RCPO KE also accompanied the chairman and members of Sai Kung Rural Committee and village representatives in visiting the Crime Prevention Bureau Display Room at Police Headquarters on April 29. The visitors found it very impressive on what they saw in the display room.