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A series of four Training Days (TD) packages on "Emotional Fitness" developed by Police College was launched in October last year. With the first TD package with the theme of "Happy, it's my choice to be" meeting with favorable response, the second and third TD packages with the themes of "It all begins with our daily habits" and "Adaptive cognitive practice – can it be done?" were rolled out in March and April respectively. 
The two new TD packages aim to promote "healthy lifestyle" and "good behavioural habits" among Force members and help them recognise "the importance of thoughts underlying one's emotions and behaviours", understand "the pessimistic thinking style" and heighten awareness of their own thinking style. 
Researches on positive psychology have pointed out that happiness and positive emotions can be chosen. A healthy lifestyle, including a "healthy diet", "sufficient sleep" and "sufficient physical exercise", can help one alleviate pressures.  Positive behaviour, such as "gratitude", "savoring" and "act of kindness", will make it easier for one to feel the beauty of life. Situation plays were used in the third TD package to make Force members more aware of the importance of a positive and optimistic thinking style.
Deputy Director of Police College Eric Cheng commented, "This training package, presented in the form of drama and animation, makes training more interesting and enables officers to learn in a happy and relaxed environment.  The self -designed cartoon characters, "Fa Mui" and "Siu Fung", in the animation also help highlight the importance of healthy lifestyle to our psychological health. The Learning Projects Division had also designed a series of gratitude cards as a gift for Force members to show gratitude to their friends and families with a view to nurturing a culture of gratitude within the Force."
Although these TD packages cater for frontline officers, officers at Chief Inspector and Superintendent ranks, as well as all civilian members are encouraged to attend TD workshops.
The relevant training videos of the first and second TD packages have been uploaded to "What's New" of Police Intranet. A full set of training materials can also be downloaded from the "School of Specialised Learning" homepage of Police College under "Training Days Resource Bank". 