New Territories South Region

Promoting Animal Protection Messages


狗狗社區大使計劃 - 卓思英文學校暨幼稚園(青怡分校)

狗狗社區大使計劃 - 浸信會聯會小學

狗狗社區大使計劃 - 荃灣潮州公學 (Ivan哥哥兩棲爬蟲及守護動物講座)

狗狗社區大使計劃 (聯合SPCA)- 仁濟醫院九龍崇德社幼稚園


Drugs Zero!寵伴同行・領犬訓練班


「寵同心共抗疫 - 寵物攝影共賞比賽」

新界南總區「動物守護.社區大使」計劃一直以來努力宣揚「愛護動物、尊重生命」,即使於疫情肆虐期間亦未鬆懈。於2022年3月14至17日,新界南總區舉辦網上「寵同心共抗疫 - 寵物攝影共賞比賽」誠邀各位寵物主人於抗疫期間拍攝寵物可愛一面或是與寵物溫馨一刻,向大眾宣揚正能量。比賽反應熱烈,收到近80份參選作品,最後挑選出8份優秀作品,並透過活動提高了市民防止殘酷對待動物意識。




自2020年10月起,新界南總區參與愛護動物協會的「貓隻領域護理計劃」,協助將流浪貓帶到愛護動物協會進行絕育,並放回原居點,以穩定新界南區內流浪貓的數量,同時有助減少動物案件的發生。於2022年間,新界南總區共進行4次計劃並成功協助14隻流浪貓進行絕育。人員在活動期間亦向貓隻義工及附近市民宣傳警方打擊殘酷對待動物案件的決心,宣揚「愛護動物,尊重生命」 的信息。


學校教育 - 「狗狗社區大使計劃」

接觸學校: 11 間
學校講座: 11 次

【 動人時刻 • 校園動物大使訓練班 】


為加強學生對動物的了解及尊重生命的重要性,警方開展「動人時刻 • 校園動物大使訓練班」。「動物守護 • 社區大使計劃」的社區領袖及大使聯同他們的狗義工將會於週末期間與學員一同深入學習動物相關知識及親身接觸狗義工。


In 2020, officers of New Territories South Regional Crime Prevention Office have conducted a series of publicity campaigns with a view to promoting animal protection messages and reminding the public to report suspected cases of cruelty to animals, for example at various Pet Gardens managed by Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Shing Mun Reservoir, Mui Wo Pier and Tsing Yi Promenade area. During which, leaflets and souvenirs were distributed to the public.

Seminar at Tertiary Institution and Secondary School

In January 2020, officers of New Territories South Crime Prevention Office visited a local tertiary education institution and briefed students on relevant animal laws and the role of police officers on protection of animals. At the end of the seminar, officers had group discussion with students which increased students’ understanding on the policing issues and their awareness on prevention of cruelty to animals.

In November 2020, officers of New Territories South Regional Crime Prevention Office and Police Volunteer held a sharing session at a Secondary School in Ma On Shan. During the sharing session, officers explained the corresponding animal laws and Police role on animal protection that enhanced the mutual understanding. Officers also brought along three dogs (Jennie, Smarti and Eagle) to interact with the students in groups and shared the responsibilities of an animal caretaker and relevant knowledge. The students even had a chance to guide the dogs and experience how to take care of them, enhancing their awareness on animal protection.

“Amazing Moments with Animals” Newsletter and Poster Design Competition

A quarterly “Amazing Moments with Animals” Newsletter was designed by New Territories South Crime Prevention Office with the first Newsletter issued in May 2020. It covered different animal-related cases in the Region, animal related ordinances and interviews with different stakeholders.

Between April and October 2020, New Territories South Crime Prevention Office organised an “Amazing moments with Animals” Poster Design Competition with Hong Kong Extra-curricular Activities Masters’ Association. It aims to promote the message of “Love Animals” to the students. A total of 76 submissions were received. The Office invited representatives of education sectors and the animal lovers to form the judge panel of the Competition.

Building Partnership with Animal-related Stakeholders

In August 2020, officers had meetings with the representatives of Hong Kong Pet Trade Association Ltd and SPCA to exchange ideas on protecting animals in the community.

Other Activities / Work

【 守護動物 • 打擊非法使用捕獸器 】


近期荃灣大橋村附近有狗隻被捕獸器夾傷,警方非常重視案件,循「殘酷對待動物」方向跟進。警方「動物守護 • 社區大使」計劃人員,聯同漁農自然護理署、香港愛護動物協會及荃灣警區人員到達案發地點山頭,大規模搜索非法捕獸器,以確保附近動物及行山人士安全,並沿途向行山人士及村民派發傳單,呼籲如發現捕獸器,應立即致電相關部門跟進。

根據《野生動物保護條例》,禁止捕捉受保護野生動物,違例者最高可判罰款10萬元及監禁1年。 而根據《防止殘酷對待動物條例》,虐待動物可被罰款20萬元及監禁3年。

Cruelty Case Against a Dove

In October 2020, officers of New Territories South Regional Crime Prevention Office and Police Community Relations Office of Kwai Tsing District noticed a news coverage on the social media platform regarding a dove with wings being cut. The officersforthwith distributed crime alert messages in a public estate in Tsing Yi to encourage residents to provide information for further investigation. Subsequently, with the information provided by the public, police successfully arrested a male.

“Cat Colony Care Programme”

In October 2020, officers of New Territories South found the increasing number of street cats in Tsuen Wan and Shatin area. With the assistance from SPCA, the officers and police volunteers from Traffic New Territories South conducted joint operations under “Cat Colony Care Programme” which promotes protecting animals by controlling the numbers through the “Trap-Neuter-Return” process.