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PPRB's replies to the media

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  • A letter was sent to an English-language newspaper on May 23 pointing out that its article on a case concerning the arrest of a Vietnamese illegal immigrant, published on the same day, carried a misleading headline.

  • Referring to an article on the release of excessive information about arrested persons published in a Chinese-language newspaper on May 23, a letter was sent to the paper the following day clarifying that Police would never release information on the identity of the arrested person until charges had been laid.

  • In a letter to a Chinese-language newspaper on June 4 to respond to an article published on May 31, it pointed out that it was misleading to say that CP lacked experience in dealing with crime cases after outlining various posts of crime units he had previously served.

  • In response to a reader's letter published in a Chinese-language newspaper on May 31, a letter was sent to the paper on June 4 maintaining that Police officers would adopt a professional and responsible attitude in handling the pay cut issue.

  • A letter was sent to an English-language newspaper on June 4 to respond to its article and commentary on police indebtedness published on June 3.

    (Please check PEN for details)

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