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Launched by the Welfare Services Group of the Personnel Services and Staff Relations Branch, the Neighbourhood Volunteer Scheme gathered 34 parent-child volunteers from Chai Wan Police Married Quarters (PMQ), Tsing Yi PMQ, Sau Mau Ping Disciplined Services Quarters (DSQ), Sheung Shui DSQ and Fung Shing Street DSQ to organise an integrated games day for 40 members of Nepalese and Pakistani families from the New Home Association at the Police Sports and Recreation Centre on December 17.

The activities, which covered competitive games, a foot drill and making of balloon flowers, were well-received by both the parent-child volunteers and the Non-ethnic Chinese (NEC) families. The volunteers treasured the opportunity to talk with the NEC families, and to assist them to integrate into the community and know more about the Force. The NEC participated actively in the games. Some of the children expressed their wish to learn Chinese language so as to become a police officer to serve Hong Kong. The event also met the objectives of fostering volunteers' parent-child relationship and developing a mutual support network amongst residents of PMQs/DSQs.

Participants have a great time in the games day
Participants have a great time in the games day