Kowloon West Region
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Promoting Animal Protection Messages



共建關愛共融社會※鄰住CHILL - 夏日尋「埗」








接觸學校: 5 間
學校講座: 5 次



今日(25/5)好開心喺西九龍總區警察總部 舉行咗西九龍動物守護2021年度「社區巴打」退役儀式以及2022年度「社區巴打」委任儀式。並邀請西九龍總區指揮官陶輝Sir 頒贈榮休證書予「E.T.」 & 「Jackson」,佢哋擔任我哋動物大使服務西九龍社區已經一年,為社區帶來不少歡樂。

同時,自 2019年 10月成立動物守護社區大使計劃,兩年多後,有市民喺我哋宣傳期間認識咗我哋,並且經過自薦後成為我哋嘅「社區巴打」。今次委任儀式共有6隻新「社區巴打」,包括「WhisKY」、「Gentle」、「豆豆」、「徒徒」、「麥芽糖」及「Curry仔」加入,佢哋會喺今後一年,會陪同我哋去不同區份、學校為「西九龍動物守護」作宣傳教育,「愛護動物」、「尊重生命」、「支持領養」、「絕不棄養」。





警隊有個計劃叫「守護成長好拍檔」,邀請了「中央諮詢委員會」嘅委員為2020年秋季出生嘅12隻警犬BB命名,佢哋嘅名全部都係以B字為首。今日我哋就請咗其中3隻分別係 Bobo, Bailey and Bagel 嚟到現場同大家見面,而為佢命名嘅動物守護社區大使計劃中央諮詢委員會委員 李漢雄 先生BBS MH JP、陳香蓮 女士 JP ,同埋 王嘉恩 博士 MH 到會場支持。


In October 2020, Kowloon West Regional Crime Prevention Office organised a Smartphone Photography and Video-making Contest on the theme of interaction with animals. The contest has in total received submissions of over 1800 photos and 300 videos which captured not only funny snapshots of many animals but also the heartwarming moments between the kids and fur-babies of many families. The award-winning submissions have been shared on the Region’s platform to promote police-public partnership in protecting animals.

Building Partnership with Animal-related Stakeholders

In 2020, officers of Kowloon West Regional Crime Prevention Office have visited over 160 animal-related stakeholder groups in the Region; such as pet shops, animal clinics, animal non-profit making organisations and pet-loving groups, etc, to enlist support from animal lovers and raise the public awareness in preventing cruelty to animals. During the visits, officers have not only given their contacts to the stakeholders to support timely report to be made by the public, but have also distributed leaflets and souvenirs to them.

Other Activities / Work

Theft of Cat Case

In November 2020, officers of Kowloon West Regional Crime Prevention Officeconducted cyber patrol and noticed a case of theft of cat. Upon learning the incident, the team forthwith contacted the victim and made public appeal for case information. Subsequently, officers received intelligence and relayed such to the investigation team upon detailed analysis. Eventually, the culprit was arrested and the cat was safely returned to the victim concerned.

Kowloon West Animal Watchers Volunteer Team

In December 2020, Kowloon West Regional Crime Prevention Officeestablished the Kowloon West Animal Watchers Volunteer Teamto enhance public awareness on animal protection and arouse community’s resonance on "love and respect for animals". A banner, designed by one of the volunteers NG Ching-yi, was put up outside Mong Kok Police Station to encourage public participation.

In just two weeks’ time, more than 20 applications have been received. The volunteer team has been successfully registered under the Volunteer Movement of the Social Welfare Department. Interested animal lovers may contact the team at 3661 8180 for more details.